Mint Angels Online
The Mint Angels are:

Name: Rich

Position: Bass & backing vox.

Likes: Guinness, Guinness & more Guinness - especially if taken in Dublin on our annual pilgrimage.

Dislikes: Crap music fouling up the charts & Darren Day for just being alive.

Influences: The Clash, U2, Cocteaux Twins.

Previous Bands: The Caminos - Sheffield Punk Band.

Best moments so far: 1st gig with Caminos cos a fantastic feeling to play live, & with the Minties The Boardwalk Sheffield spring this year & The Green Room Nov 04 - 2 nights when it all came together!

Worst moments: Every time I make a mistake live because even though no one notices it still pisses me off.

Best Minty song: This I meant to say.

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